Page name: helen's contest [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-03-04 12:08:15
Last author: sequeena_rae
Owner: Clarity.
# of watchers: 8
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D20: 10
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hello everyone and welcome to my contest!

please take your entry coupon and join the
queue to the left, where you will be recieve your free beer,

(note: this offer applies only to contest participants and is limited to 1 beer per person)

this contest is free for anyone to enter, we have no silly rules about self promotion or image hosting! feel free to promote your entry as much as you like and your image may be hosted from any website!

the theme for this first contest is going to be JUDAISM
this means that you can submit any art (including photography and poetry) under the theme of the jews. all hail moses!

i will make a badge or something for the winner(s) to put on their profile

1) [Clarity.]
this is a piece that i have submitted to get the ball rolling.
it features me on a date with the world's hottest jew, seth cohen.

2) stu the jew a poem by [Evolution X]
jew jew jew
lost his shoe
didn't know what to do
his name was stu

3) an untitled poem by [frayed~sanity]
aunty semetic is a nasty lady
she once fed me onion gravy
i much prefer my uncle jew
'cause he cooks food that's easy to chew

4) the emo jew, edited by[TRiCKY DiSCO]
I’ll Be The jew That No One Ever Hears,
Though My Silent Screams Would Deafen Most Ears.
I’ll Be The jew Plastered With A Smile,
Though Silently Wondering If Life’s Worth While.
I’ll Be The jew To Brighten Your Day,
Though Quietly Wanting The Favor Repaid.
I’ll Be The jew Who Never Sheds A Tear,
Though At Night Wishes Them To Appear.
I’ll Be The jew First To Laugh,
Though I Feel My Insides Tearing In Half.
I’ll Be The jew With The Best Of Friends,
Though They Don’t Know My Internal Problems.
I’ll Be The jew Who Keeps On Living,
Though All I Want Is To Give In.

Username (or number or email):


2008-03-02 [PandaClocks]: damn right
if i enter 2 pieces may i have 2 beers?

2008-03-02 [Clarity.]: yeah sure. and as it's you, i will actually buy you them. but the other elftowners with have to just do with cyber beers

2008-03-02 [Limbed]: If I enter the same piece a hundred times, will I get drunk? If it will, I'm in. And is barbeque-sauce involved with judaism?

2008-03-02 [PandaClocks]: no the jews don't approve of bbq's they only saute their food.

2008-03-02 [Clarity.]: good to see the jewish knowledge being dispersed accurately.

2008-03-02 [Clarity.]: excellent work there [Evolution X], i love how you've incorporated so many different spellings to portray the phonetic sound of 'ew'. a really diverse and interesting poem

2008-03-02 [Evolution X]: .............................................. >_> I didn't write that.

2008-03-02 [Clarity.]: well why did you submit it if it's not your work!

2008-03-02 [Foxspike]: do i win by default coz i am Jewish or do i have to try?

2008-03-02 [Clarity.]: just put a picture of yourself up! everyone's a winner in helens contests. unlike [Linderel]s contest, LINDEREL is power crazy and she likes to impose and patronise her contest enterers.

2008-03-02 [Waffu]: oh my

2008-03-02 [TRiCKY DiSCO]: can i get real beer?

2008-03-02 [Clarity.]: yeah sure babes, i'll send one in the post up your way

2008-03-02 [TRiCKY DiSCO]: och aye cheers hen

2008-03-02 [Clarity.]: nae bother wee lassy

2008-03-02 [Vou]: Lami does not do such a thing. Her contests are quite fun and fair.

This... is just mediocricy.

2008-03-02 [TRiCKY DiSCO]: the beer might have spilt a bit when i get it, but i'm sure it will taste just the same

2008-03-02 [Clarity.]: stop being so melodramatic! why is everyone on elftown a square? (excluding those amazing participants of this here contest ofcourse)

2008-03-03 [PandaClocks]: I'll make sure Helen puts it in a sealed tub for you Kerry, she has a habbit of spilling liquids. Especially Lucazade ;)

2008-03-03 [PandaClocks]: Also, they aren't really fair considering how harsh and patronising she is to new elftowners. Plus being accepted into a contest after its been closed, and being disqualified from a contest when its your first time and just because you're new isn't really fair is it [Vou]?

2008-03-03 [sequeena_rae]: being disqualified from a contest when its your first time

The rules were clear at the top of the polls page. It is not [Linderel]'s fault that both you and [Clarity.] decided to disregard said rules. Being new doesn't mean you can't read.

2008-03-03 [Linderel]: 1. I make it a point to try to be nice to everyone by default, no matter how long they have been around. However, if they can't read what is clearly stated, or are aggressive towards me, I can only attempt to remain civil.
2. It doesn't matter how new or old you are - if you come with a late entry just after the deadline and a poll has not yet been opened and/or host's favourite(s) selected, I'll sneak it in for you, providing I get the relevant details if needed.
3. This whole thing is bordering on ridiculous. You made a mistake, were punished in the stated fashion, and then blame me for it when it was only your own fault. I do believe this is called 'overreacting'.

Honestly, I'd rather if everyone just got along. But if you want to keep thinking of me in those terms, go ahead. I can't stop you. Have a good Elftown life. :)

2008-03-03 [Triola]: omg, ur like so pattronisin rite now! just cause ur teh boss dunt meen u can discualefy ppl!!!11!!1

2008-03-03 [sequeena_rae]: *banhammers [Triola]* XP

2008-03-03 [Triola]: :O Wench! I was just agreeing with these nice people :3 :P


2008-03-03 [PandaClocks]: since when did this become a page to argue on? you're the ones that have come on here and started making your mouth go. go back to your WoW and your Lord of the Rings books and masturbate over the elves or dwarves if it takes your fancy.
Hey maybe sci-fi is your thing, just as well really considering it would be a fucking miracle if you stood a chance in hell with this species.

2008-03-03 [sequeena_rae]: We're not arguing :) It's you who's taken the defensive with us, and by all means, keep up that attitude if you wish.

P.S I don't like Lord of The Rings or WoW :p

2008-03-03 [Triola]: unlike [Linderel]s contest, LINDEREL is power crazy and she likes to impose and patronise her contest enterers.

I believe that comment by [Clarity.] was the start of all of this, if you were wondering. So perhaps she should go shag a dwarf instead? Might make her lighten up :)

2008-03-03 [PandaClocks]: good for you [sequeena_rae]
have a cookie.

2008-03-03 [sequeena_rae]: Thanks, I think I will :p

2008-03-03 [PandaClocks]: just one mind, don't want to let yourself go for your elven fiance

2008-03-03 [Triola]: :O You didn't tell me your fiance was an elf, Squee!

2008-03-03 [sequeena_rae]: Oh, I know.

Now back to the point of this whole thing, stop being so oversensitive. You were only disqualified because you didn't read the rules on the voting page. [Linderel] even put in your entries AFTER the contest had closed. I'd hope that we can all get along and play like nice children, but if not (and yes [Triola] that would include you :o) I will be handing out warnings *insert 'omg I'm sooooo scared' here* So let's all move on now, okay?

[Clarity.] good luck with your contest.

2008-03-03 [sequeena_rae]: Oh, sorry Trin, must have slipped my mind.

2008-03-03 [Clarity.]: THIS CONTEST IS A JOKE YOU REALISE! YOU'RE ALL ACTING TOO SERIOUS! i really dont mind the fact i was disqualified from the papc, jeeeeeeeze. and [Triola] if you meant 'child' when you said dwarf, i'm up for it.


2008-03-03 [Clarity.]: im not a peadophile i must state

2008-03-03 [sequeena_rae]: We're not being too serious at all *forgot to add 'puts guard hat on'* :p so no more bashing each other mmmkay

and you might not want the dwaves seeing as trin has had them all >.> *runs*

2008-03-03 [Clarity.]: it's ok i only go for nursery kids. at a push, primary school

2008-03-03 [sequeena_rae]: Primary kids are too much hassle >_<

2008-03-03 [Magical Trevor.]: i thought guards were supposed to be nice to people?

2008-03-03 [Clarity.]: it'll be ok once i get my child catching machine fixed

2008-03-03 [Triola]: *bashes Squee over the head with something hard* >.<

2008-03-03 [sequeena_rae]: We are. However, that doesn't mean we have to take abuse either.

2008-03-03 [sequeena_rae]: You know you love it Trin :P *glomp*

Is it like the one out of ghost catcher? :o

2008-03-03 [Triola]: *humps* I do :3

2008-03-03 [Clarity.]: have i abused any of you??!?!
& no it's not it's a white corsa driven around by ben bainbridge and when we see some young boys we like the look of we entice them into the backseat with whiz bars and other treats and then we make them listen to bright eyes and death cab

2008-03-03 [sequeena_rae]: I wasn't talking to you [Clarity.] :p

Sounds like tons of fun.

2008-03-03 [Clarity.]: it is, it used to be a punto but we don't talk about that anymore.

2008-03-03 [sequeena_rae]: Oh dear, got totalled did it? :p

2008-03-03 [Clarity.]: yeah, it actually did. sad times

2008-03-03 [PandaClocks]: It did
but it wasn't my fault
the child ran out into a main road
i wasn't going to let it get away
so i had to attempt to dodge on coming traffic

2008-03-03 [Clarity.]: well ben he didn't like the fact you were on a journey to meet a boy who was of legal age.

2008-03-03 [PandaClocks]: oh and [Clarity.]
you know that crazy indicator i have?
well turns out its not just hyper
it was trying to alert me that my front indicator's bulb had gone haha
i could have lost my license for that :D

2008-03-03 [Clarity.]: HAHA oh dear. so that means you've been driving around without your indicators working? i think the universe just doesn't want you to drive.

2008-03-03 [PandaClocks]: me too
it'll be the children sabotaging our machine
little buggers
we need an ice cream van

2008-03-03 [Clarity.]: rupert grint drives an ice cream van, when i marry him i'll let you have it on weekends

2008-03-03 [Clarity.]: .
in the child catcher :P
i'm gonna upload the rest of my fisheyes soooon boy

2008-03-03 [Scientist Studies.]: ' have i abused any of you??!?!
& no it's not it's a white corsa driven around by ben bainbridge and when we see some young boys we like the look of we entice them into the backseat with whiz bars and other treats and then we make them listen to bright eyes and death cab'  ITS TRUE! THEY DID THIS TO ME!!!

2008-03-03 [PandaClocks]: you wish rachael bowser ;)

2008-03-03 [Clarity.]: her mam said no

2008-03-03 [Clarity.]: something fishy

2008-03-03 [PandaClocks]: rights!!!!!
we both go down together

2008-03-03 [TRiCKY DiSCO]: from a few comments back, in reply to [PandaClocks]; im not so keen on lucozade anymore as i have witnessed a video which leaked out onto my friends laptop with a boy doing some very silly things involving a lucozade bottle. i'll let your imagine fill you in on the rest!

2008-03-04 [Vou]: Yes, well, whatever. And no, [PandaClocks], I am not new. I've been on Elftown for a couple years now. This just happens to be my second account... I lost the pw to my old one.

2008-03-04 [PandaClocks]: I never asked if you were new.

2008-03-04 [sequeena_rae]: We do not tolerate any type of abusive behaviour towards other Elftown members so [PandaClocks] your entry has been removed. As the old saying goes if you having nothing nice to say, say nothing at all.

2008-03-04 [Vou]: You implied that I was new, [PandaClocks], in your comment after mine. And yes, [sequeena_rae] is right, you are getting out of hand. Just get over yourself.

2008-03-04 [PandaClocks]: I never implied you were, I implied I was, which I am.

2008-03-04 [Clarity.]: what is up with all the negativityyyyyyy

2008-03-04 [PandaClocks]: turns out i got disqualified from this contest too baby doll (N)

2008-03-04 [Clarity.]: you did not, this is my contest and its my rules. as long as you're uner my roof you are not disqualified

2008-03-04 [Clarity.]: scan jens boobs

2008-03-04 [Triola]: He was not disqualified, but his image was deleted for being abusive :)

2008-03-04 [PandaClocks]: haha score
its me and the moon she said
can i enter a picture of a circumcised cock?
thats jewish

2008-03-04 [Clarity.]: yeah sure.

2008-03-04 [Clarity.]: you'll need to edit it or something though, it needs to be a bit of your own work ;)

2008-03-04 [PandaClocks]: oh don't worry
i'm sure i will do
i seem to have enough trouble with the gaurds these days *sighs*
i feel like *insert name of some famous hellion*

2008-03-04 [PandaClocks]: angharrod!

2008-03-04 [Clarity.]: HAHAHAHAHAH youre not that scabby faced though,
and scan jens boobs

2008-03-04 [PandaClocks]: hahahah i'm glad
i'd feel like a harlequin baby!
i will when i can be bothered to get out of bed

2008-03-04 [Clarity.]: i think i have a broken metatarsal! damn phalanges

2008-03-04 [PandaClocks]: i'll sew it up for you
but only if you'll be my bride?

2008-03-04 [Clarity.]: yeah sure. whatever happened to my ragdoll? :(

2008-03-04 [PandaClocks]: its still in production
the sewing machine at home is naff
i have discovered the sewing machines at college are much better
so i have the outline of a brand new one
ready to take to college to sew when i finish my work
plus i found a better way to fill it
so this one will reign supreme

2008-03-04 [Clarity.]: oh wow, i'm gonna nap some cotton from college and make you one too! XD

2008-03-04 [PandaClocks]: lush one! can't wait!

2008-03-04 [Clarity.]: woo hoo it can have my new and improved ginger hair which you are yet to see

2008-03-04 [TRiCKY DiSCO]: rupert grint ginger?

2008-03-04 [Clarity.]: not quite. think jonathan ross' wife

2008-03-04 [PandaClocks]: aye i am
can't wait to see it though
i will on saturday!

2008-03-04 [TRiCKY DiSCO]: jonathon ross's friday night show was on on saturday night :S haha

2008-03-04 [PandaClocks]: i blame the leap day

2008-03-04 [Clarity.]: im gonna re dye it on satureday daytime caus ei dont liek ti at the moment oh deary me my spelling i cant be bothered to fix it all

2008-03-04 [TRiCKY DiSCO]: i want to proper dye my hair, i hate dying it natural colours :(:(:(:(

2008-03-04 [Clarity.]: aww thast why i dont ever want a job i just want to spend the rest of my life with good hair hahahaha

2008-03-04 [PandaClocks]: work at gamestation

2008-03-04 [TRiCKY DiSCO]: i would but it's all pervy men that work there

2008-03-04 [PandaClocks]: yep
i fit right in :P

2008-03-04 [TRiCKY DiSCO]: hahahaha. i was buying a game today and this weird, fat man with yellow teeth was staring at me for ages and his excuse was "i was trying to decide if you were 18 or not, but i think you are" eew

2008-03-04 [Clarity.]: WAS IT DEAN?!?!?!

2008-03-04 [PandaClocks]: more than likely :|
what a horrid man

2008-03-05 [TRiCKY DiSCO]: he was talking to 2 young teenage girls and one of them shared their muffin with him eew. i proper muffin i'm talking about of course :P

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